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Nebraska State Fair Award Winners

Congratulations on your success at the Nebraska State Fair! 

The Nebraska 4-H Foundation believes thanking sponsors for their financial investment in 4-H is very important!  The premium awards, plaques, medallions and trophies received by 4-H’ers were made possible because of the funding provided by Nebraska 4-H Foundation sponsors.

Please join us in saying “thanks” by writing a thank you note to each sponsor of your award.

Once you have written your sponsor, please mail your thank you note(s) to the Nebraska 4-H Foundation office.  After the State 4-H Office and Nebraska State Fair has authorized the Foundation to send all premium payments, we will issue your award.  It may take 8-12 weeks after the fair to receive your check (Approximately late October-mid November)  Thank you for your patience.

**Please note: if you have received an award or awards totaling $600 or more, you are required to complete and return a W-9 to the Nebraska 4-H Foundation.  Checks will not be issued to individuals who have earned $600 or more in awards until the document has been received in our office.  If you have an asterisk next to your name, you will need to complete a W-9 prior to receiving your award.  A blank W-9 form has been linked at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions, please contact Lindsay at the Nebraska 4-H Foundation, 402.472.9019 or

Congratulations and best wishes!

2023 State Fair Award Winner

To view a list of the winners and sponsors of each species, click on the link below.

Beef Award winners

Sheep Award Winners

Goat Award Winners

Swine Award Winners

Rabbit Award Winners

Poultry Award Winners

Premier Science Award Winners

Quilt Award Winners

Fashion Show Winners

***W-9 to be completed  



2023 Nebraska 4-H State Fair Sponsors
