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Projects should fit within at least one of seven 4-H program areas: College and career readiness, healthy living, STEM, Food supply confidence, community development, leadership development, and/or entrepreneurship.  Projects should strengthen the educational experience of the county and/or state’s 4-H youth and adult volunteers.

Priority consideration will be given to clubs who integrate community engagement and educational components into their projects while furthering the mission of Nebraska 4-H to empower youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.

Consider avenues to address youth issues within your communities while promoting positive youth development and being and advocate for 4-H.  Projects should have a potential for increasing life skills, reaching expanded youth audiences (at-risk, low income, diverse, disabled, etc.) and increasing new audiences in ongoing 4-H programming.

Applications must include:


  1. All grants must be turned in on time. Any grants submitted after the date listed, will not be considered.
  2. Items that assist in maintaining a previous project or exhibition of the project will be considered.
  3. Grants are not to be used for purchasing awards, parade materials, booth decorations, project books, project supplies or items that would be used in 4-H or fair competition.
  4. Generally, snacks for refreshments, give-away items, e.g. t-shirts, etc. and building rental are not approved expenditures. Monies cannot be used for capital equipment or hardware (defined as items and material with a life expectancy of greater than five years) or building drives.
  5. We ask that items to be purchased are such that can be used by future members and passed on and not one time use items. If a member or leader choses to discontinue the project(s), please find another member to pass the item on to for continued use. Items purchased shall remain with the club.
  6. Please be creative and thoughtful when answering the questions giving as much information for the committee to evaluate.
  7. Not all grants will be funded. Please include, if applicable, other funding opportunities available.

In order to be considered for the award, applications must be completed/submitted by May 31. Please direct any questions to Lindsay Shearer by email or by calling 402.472.9019.

***Please note, there is not a form to complete but rather send the proposal in an essay format that addresses all bullet points.***

Printable PDF of application instructions.

Thank you to our Sponsor!
